Cinnamon Desktop - Which packages need to be installed?

Hi Calculaters,

Can the Cinnamon desktop be installed without any problems?

Does the installation of Cinnamon change the init system from OpenRC to systemd?

Can it be installed without any dependency on systemd?

What features would be missing if any dependencies, on systemd, were not installed?

Does the cinnamon package (2.6.13) package include the cinnamon-power-applet?

Thank you, Michael.

Hi !

Can the Cinnamon desktop be installed without any problems?


emerge -aqv cinnamon

select the CLS profile (You can start from scratch with CLS or use CLDX and install Cinnamon (but you will have XFCE + Cinnamon). No problems, no conflicts and binary are avaiable.

Does the installation of Cinnamon change the init system from OpenRC to systemd?

Can it be installed without any dependency on systemd?

What features would be missing if any dependencies, on systemd, were not installed?
I don’t know. I think none.

Does the cinnamon package (2.6.13) package include the cinnamon-power-applet?
I think yes, but i didn’t test.


Sorry it’s in french, but you can follow that :

You can look only commands.
From which version you start ? (CLDX, CLDM, CLS?)

…all !! :slight_smile:

Adrien Daugabel wrote:

Sorry it’s in french, but you can follow that : Installer le bureau Cinnamon sur Calculate Linux - Wiki - Wiki

You can look only commands.
From which version you start ? (CLDX, CLDM, CLS?)

Allo Adrien,

I would be starting from the CLDX version.

I already tried installing Cinnamon in the Live USB environment but when I attempted to Logout of the Xfce session, I was not prompted to Login by any Session Manager from which I could choose a Desktop Environment. The system simply started the Xfce session again from the beginning and all changes were lost.

The xfce4-power-manager plugin, for the xfce4-panel, is “broken” in Xfce 4.12.

The Manajaro OpenRC Cinnamon 15.09-DevX release, which uses Cinnamon 2.6.13, includes the cinnamon-power-applet 20140504-1 which correctly displays the battery levels for the Laptop battery and batteries of wireless devices like Keyboards and Mice/Track Balls.

For the Manajaro OpenRC Cinnamon 15.09-DevX release, the cinnamon-power-applet depends on upower 0.99.3-1. upower-pm-utils is not used by this release. The same software is also used by the Manajaro Cinnamon 15.09-1 x86_64 release which uses systemd (vomit).

I looked a the emerge dependency tree for cinnamon but there was no reference to any power applet.

In the Panel of the second image, of the page you referenced, is a battery icon immediately to the right of the speaker icon and adjacent to the icon for the Calculate Console. Is this icon for the Power Management or is it simply for a Laptop battery and nothing else?

Merci beaucoup, Michael.


On my last picture you can see that there are the “power applet” :

I only installed cinnamon package, so it’s included.

If you test installation from LiveUSB, I think you must restart xdm service (Console TTY Ctrl+Alt+F2, and /etc/init.d/xdm restart and Cinnamon will be available in the list ! )

I will install on a virtual machine Cinnamon and show you this applet.

I installed Cinnamon on a CLDX distro and I show you the “applet”

Adrien Daugabel wrote:

If you test installation from LiveUSB, I think you must restart xdm service (Console TTY Ctrl+Alt+F2, and /etc/init.d/xdm restart and Cinnamon will be available in the list ! )

Hi Adrien,

It didn’t work.

There was no list displayed and there was no Login GUI displayed?

The following output was produced before restarting the Xfce session.

WARNING: you are stopping a boot service
Caching service dependencies ...
Stopping bash
Setting up bash

I have saved the files from /var/calculate/ to the Hard Drive.

How do you emerge packages from your Hard Drive?

What is the correct procedure for Logging Out and starting a new session with the Live USB environment?

Merci, Michael.

What is the correct procedure for Logging Out and starting a new session with the Live USB environment?
Humm from LiveUSB, XFCE start automaticlly, i didn’t know, but i see it.
From a TTY (Ctrl+Alt+F2), stop X : /etc/init.d/xdm
Log in into guest
su - guest
edit ~/.xinitrc (nano ~/.xinitrc)
Put it that into this file :
exec cinnamon-session
Save the file.
Start X : startx

How do you emerge packages from your Hard Drive?
I don’t know.

Adrien Daugabel wrote:

What is the correct procedure for Logging Out and starting a new session with the Live USB environment?
Humm from LiveUSB, XFCE start automaticlly, i didn’t know, but i see it.
From a TTY (Ctrl+Alt+F2), stop X : /etc/init.d/xdm

Should that be /etc/init.d/xdm stop

Log in into guest
su - guest
edit ~/.xinitrc (nano ~/.xinitrc)

Currently, there is no ~/.xinitrc file. Does that matter?

Also, putting exec cinnamon-session in that file seems like a permanent solution that doesn’t give you the option to switch between Cinnamom and Xfce. Is that correct?

The /etc/conf.d/xdm file contains the following.

 # Modified Calculate-core
 # Processed template files:
 # /var/lib/layman/calculate/profiles/templates/3.3/3_ac_install_live/1-merge/x11-base/xorg-server/conf.d/xdm
 # For modify this file, create /etc/conf.d/xdm.clt template.

START_STOP_ARGS="--background -- /usr/bin/xautologin $XUSER $CHECKVT"

I was wondering if DISPLAYMANAGER should be set to lightdm possibly?

Thanks, MTB.

Should that be /etc/init.d/xdm stop

Yes sorry :smiley:

Currently, there is no ~/.xinitrc file. Does that matter?

Create it. You can start cinnmon directly.

I was wondering if DISPLAYMANAGER should be set to lightdm possibly?

Yes it’s possible :

emerge -q lightdm-gtk-greeter