
Build with Python 3.10
Name Category Description
xmlschema dev-python An XML Schema validator and decoder
xmlsec dev-python Python bindings for the XML Security Library
xmltodict dev-python Makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON
xrootd net-libs Extended ROOT remote file server
xvfbwrapper dev-python Python wrapper for running a display inside X virtual framebuffer
x-wr-timezone dev-python Convert calendars using X-WR-TIMEZONE to standard ones
xxhash dev-python Python binding for the xxHash library
yamllint dev-util A linter for YAML files
yamlpath dev-python Command-line processors for YAML/JSON/Compatible data
yapf dev-python A formatter for Python files
yappi dev-python Yet Another Python Profiler
yapsy dev-python A fat-free DIY Python plugin management toolkit
yara-python dev-python Python interface for a malware identification and classification tool
yarl dev-python Yet another URL library
yaswfp dev-python Yet Another SWF Parser
yattag dev-python Python library to generate HTML or XML in a readable, concise and pythonic way
yaxmldiff dev-python Yet Another XML Differ
ydiff dev-util Colored, side-by-side diff terminal viewer (ex. cdiff)
yle-dl media-video Download media files from Yle Areena
you-get net-misc Utility to download media contents from the web

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