
Build with PyPy3
Name Category Description
check-jsonschema app-misc A CLI and set of pre-commit hooks for jsonschema validation
cheroot dev-python High-performance, pure-Python HTTP server used by CherryPy
cherrypy dev-python CherryPy is a pythonic, object-oriented HTTP framework
chump dev-python API wrapper for Pushover
click dev-python A Python package for creating beautiful command line interfaces
click-default-group dev-python Extends click.Group to invoke a command without explicit subcommand name
click-didyoumean dev-python Enable git-like did-you-mean feature in click
clint dev-python Python Command-line Application Tools
codespell dev-util Check text files for common misspellings
colorama dev-python ANSI escape character sequences for colored terminal text & cursor positioning
colorclass dev-python Colorful worry-free console applications for multiple platforms
coloredlogs dev-python Colored stream handler for the logging module
colorlog dev-python Log formatting with colors
commentjson dev-python Add Python and JavaScript style comments in your JSON files
commonmark dev-python Python parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec
configupdater dev-python Parser like ConfigParser but for updating configuration files
confuse dev-python Confuse is a configuration library for Python that uses YAML
constantly dev-python Symbolic constants in Python
cookies dev-python Friendlier RFC 6265-compliant cookie parser/renderer
coverage dev-python Code coverage measurement for Python

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