Update problem

I have been using Calculate xfce. Fresh install, update problem.

* Checking Distros updates ...                                           [ ok ]
 * Checking Calculate updates ...                                         [ ok ]
 * Checking Gentoo updates ...                                            [ ok ]
 * Syncing the Gentoo repository ...                                      [ ok ]
 * Updating the Distros repository cache ...                              [ ok ]
 * Updating the Calculate repository cache ...                            [ ok ]
 * Updating the eix cache for Distros, Calculate, Gentoo ...              [ ok ]
 * Updating the cache of configurable packages ...                        [ ok ]
 * Update packages index ...                                              [ ok ]
 * Synchronization finished
System configuration
 * Fixing the settings ...
 * Creating Host-Only initramfs ...  
 * Host-Only initramfs has been created  
 * Configuring the grub  
 * !!! Error while reading repo config file: While reading from '/etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.conf' [line 19]: option 'sync-uri' in section 'gentoo' already exists  
 * Unavailable repository 'gentoo' referenced by masters entry in '/var/lib/layman/calculate/metadata/layout.conf'  
 * Unavailable repository 'gentoo' referenced by masters entry in '/var/lib/layman/distros/metadata/layout.conf'  
 * !!! Unable to parse profile: '/etc/portage/make.profile'  
 * !!! ParseError: Parent 'gentoo:default/linux/amd64/17.0' not found: '/var/lib/layman/calculate/profiles/default/amd64/17/desktop/parent'  
 * Updating configuration files ...                                       [ ok ]
 * Update server was changed to http://miroir.linuxtricks.fr/calculate
Updating packages
 * Calculating dependencies ...                                           [ ok ]

!!! Error while reading repo config file: While reading from '/etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.conf' [line 19]: option 'sync-uri' in section 'gentoo' already exists
Unavailable repository 'gentoo' referenced by masters entry in '/var/lib/layman/distros/metadata/layout.conf'
Unavailable repository 'gentoo' referenced by masters entry in '/var/lib/layman/calculate/metadata/layout.conf'
!!! Unable to parse profile: '/etc/portage/make.profile'
!!! ParseError: Parent 'gentoo:default/linux/amd64/17.0' not found: '/var/lib/layman/calculate/profiles/default/amd64/17/desktop/parent'

!!! /etc/portage/make.profile is not a symlink and will probably prevent most merges.
!!! It should point into a profile within /profiles/
!!! (You can safely ignore this message when syncing. It's harmless.)

!!! Your current profile is invalid. If you have just changed your profile
!!! configuration, you should revert back to the previous configuration.
!!! Allowed actions are limited to --help, --info, --search, --sync, and
!!! --version.
 * Emerge failed
 * Update failed

What does /etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.conf contain?

 # Modified Calculate Utilities
 # Processed template files:
 # /var/lib/layman/calculate/profiles/templates/3.5/2_ac_install_merge/sys-apps/portage/alpha190/01repos.conf
main-repo = gentoo

location = /usr/portage
sync-type = git
sync-uri = git://git.calculate-linux.org/repo/gentoo.git
auto-sync = yes

 # for daily squashfs snapshots
#sync-type = squashdelta
#sync-uri = mirror://gentoo/../snapshots/squashfs

sync-uri = rsync://rsync10.de.gentoo.org/gentoo-portage

Delete the last line.

Thank you. Is there any way to choose fastest server for Calculate ?

Using rsync you will not be able to download faster :slight_smile:
Calculate downloads portages from Github in the fastest way possible. The binary repository is also selected the fastest. You can run `cl-update --scan` and see statistics ‘/var/log/calculate/binhost-scan.log’.

im having same problem, but little different

Repositories synchronization
 * Checking Distros updates ...                                                   [ ok ]
 * Checking Calculate updates ...                                                 [ ok ]
 * Checking Gentoo updates ...                                                    [ ok ]
 * Synchronization finished
System configuration
 * Update server https://mirror.yandex.ru/calculate
Updating packages
 * Calculating dependencies ...                                                   [ ok ]

!!! Unable to parse profile: '/etc/portage/make.profile'
!!! ParseError: Parent '/usr/portage/profiles/default/linux/amd64/17.0' not found: '/var/lib/layman/calculate/profiles/default/amd64/17/desktop/parent'

!!! /etc/portage/make.profile is not a symlink and will probably prevent most merges.
!!! It should point into a profile within /usr/portage/profiles/
!!! (You can safely ignore this message when syncing. It's harmless.)

!!! Your current profile is invalid. If you have just changed your profile
!!! configuration, you should revert back to the previous configuration.
!!! Allowed actions are limited to --help, --info, --search, --sync, and
!!! --version.
 * Emerge failed
 * Update failed

What does contain /usr/portage/profiles/default/linux/amd64 directory?